The Railway Safety Regulator (RSR) has released preliminary findings from its investigation into the recent accident at the Arnot Level Crossing, Steve Tswete Municipality at Sikhululiwe Village, which tragically involved a school bus and a Transnet train. This preliminary report sheds light on key aspects surrounding the incident that occurred on 31 July 2024, claiming the lives of six young individuals and critically injuring several others.
The investigation has confirmed that the protection signage at the Arnot Level Crossing was largely compliant with the prescribed safety standards. However, it appears the driver of the school bus did not adhere to the road signage at the level crossing. This crucial detail underscores a significant aspect of the investigation and the ongoing challenges at railway level crossings.
Further investigations will be undertaken by the rail operator and road safety authorities to delve deeper into the circumstances of the accident. The RSR will collaborate closely with these entities to ensure that comprehensive corrective actions are implemented, aimed at enhancing safety measures and preventing future occurrences.
In a distressing development, less than 72 hours after the Arnot level crossing accident, another severe incident occurred at the Tsantsabane and Groenwater level crossing, just outside Postmasburg in the Northern Cape. This tragic event, which took place on 4 August at approximately 14:00, resulted in four fatalities and two critical injuries. The victims were occupants of a bakkie that collided with a Transnet Freight Rail train.
RSR inspectors are currently on site, conducting a preliminary investigation to determine the circumstances of this latest occurrence. The findings will be shared with the public as soon as they are available.
Acting Chief Executive Officer Mmuso Selaledi expressed his deepest condolences, stating: "Our hearts go out to the families affected by these devastating incidents. We are reminded daily of the critical importance of rail safety, particularly at level crossings. The RSR is committed to enhancing safety measures and working tirelessly to ensure such tragedies do not recur. Safety at level crossings is a shared responsibility, and we urge both the public and industry stakeholders to adhere strictly to safety protocols."