The National Department of Transport invites members of the media to a Transport Roundtable on Universal Accessibility which will be held from 26th to 27th October 2023. The Round Table is part of the Department’s October Transport Month Campaign for 2023.
According to the White Paper on National Transport Policy, all transportation regardless of mode, must be universally accessible in order to be user-friendly for persons with disabilities.
The purpose of the gathering is to review the state of the transport sector in relation to making modes of transport universally accessible for all users.
Various workstreams will present their plans and progress in implementing universal accessibility in Aviation, Maritime, Roads, Rail, Public Transport, and Integrated Transport Planning during the two-day roundtable programme.
Transport Director-General, Advocate James Mlawu will address the gathering.
Members of the media are invited as per the details below:
Day one - Transport Roundtable on Universal Accessibility:
Date: Thursday, 26 October 2023
Venue: River Meadow Manor Hotel, Centurion, Gauteng
Time: 09H00
Day two - Transport Roundtable on Universal Accessibility:
Date: Friday, 27 October 2023
Venue: River Meadow Manor Hotel, Centurion, Gauteng
Time: 09H00
Journalists are requested to confirm their attendance with Ivy Masale on 076 789 5538 / masalei@dot.gov.za or Courthney Winkler on 061 094 8522 / winlerc@dot.gog.za