Tshwane Metro Police Department operational successes

The Tshwane Metro Police Department (TMPD) conducted a road policing public transport operation in Laudium, west of Pretoria on Friday 24 May 2024. During the operation, 19 Taxis that were operating illegally were impounded.

Another successful road operation was conducted on 22 May 2004 where 106 road infringement fines amounting to R80 250 were issued.

A drunk driving operation was conducted on Friday 24 May 2024 at Sefako Makgatho drive. The operation led to the arrest of 10 motorists who were driving under the influence of alcohol. Furthermore, 94 Aarto infringement fines amounting to R65 500 were issued and 330 vehicles were stopped and searched.

On the same operation, two Mercedes Benz vehicles were impounded for further investigation and verification, one of the vehicles was found with a pallet gun and the other one was found with licence discs and number plates that were placed in the boot.

Road safety operations will continuously be conducted in all areas in the City of Tshwane. These operations are to ensure compliance with rules and regulations as well as reducing crime, thus providing safety for all residents.

Well done to TMPD officers for their hard work and dedication.

Source: https://arrivealive.co.za/news.aspx?s=1&i=68093&name=tshwane-metro-police-department-operational-successes