2003 TRAFFIC OFFENCE SURVEY:: Comprehensive Report on Fatal Crash Statistics and Road Traffic Information

Part 7 Contributory Factors to Fatal Crashes in 2003


(As reported by the SAPS to the National Fatal Accident Information Centre)
HUMAN FACTORS Urban Rural Total Group % % of Total
Pedestrian Jay walking 1,373 2,732 4,106 40.30 14.06
High Speed 436 1,893 2,330 22.87 7.98
Overtook when unsafe 68 304 372 3.65 1.27
Turned in front of oncoming traffic 109 291 400 3.93 1.37
Disregarded red robot 90 99 189 1.86 0.65
Followed vehicle in front too close 15 55 69 0.68 0.24
Driver suspected alcohol 74 166 240 2.36 0.82
Pedestrian suspected alcohol 30 58 88 0.87 0.30
Fatigue 11 153 164 1.61 0.56
Holding cell phone 1 7 8 0.08 0.03
Other 56 308 364 3.57 1.25
Unknown 440 1,418 1,858 18.24 6.36
Total 2,703 7,485 10,189 100.00 34.88
VEHICLE FACTORS Urban Rural Total Group % % of Total
Overloaded 15 28 42 0.42 0.15
Faulty brakes 22 69 91 0.89 0.31
Tyre burst 23 305 329 3.23 1.12
Smooth tyres 5 5 10 0.10 0.03
Lights faulty 10 29 39 0.38 0.13
Other 367 649 1,016 9.99 3.48
Unknown 2,260 6,386 8,645 85.00 29.60
Total 2,701 7,471 10,172 100.00 34.83
ROAD FACTORS Urban Rural Total Group % % of Total
Poor Visibility 118 24 142 1.60 0.49
Poor Street Lightning 76 25 102 1.15 0.35
Sharp Bend 133 39 172 1.95 0.59
Blind rise corner 30 10 40 0.45 0.14
Bad road surface 56 2 58 0.66 0.20
Road wet/slippery 52 12 64 0.73 0.22
Defective Street marking 5 2 7 0.08 0.02
Narrow road 28 2 30 0.34 0.10
Road works 13 2 16 0.18 0.05
Other 1 0 1 0.01 0.00
Unknown 6,077 2,137 8,214 92.85 28.12
Total 6,590 2,257 8,847 100.00 30.29
Grand Total 11,993 17,213 29,207 100.00

Please see also Part 16 : Summary of the 2003 Traffic Offence Survey

Source: https://arrivealive.co.za/2003-traffic-offence-survey-comprehensive-report-on-fatal-crash-statistics-and-road-traffic-information-14