Road Traffic Management Corporation Educational

Establishment Of The Road Traffic Management Corporation

The purpose of this document is to provide information on the establishment of the Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC); its purpose and objectives; other general information; as well as to provide you with the names and contact detail of personnel at the Corporation.

Establishment of the RTMC

The Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC) was established in terms of Section 3 of the Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC) Act, No. 20 of 1999, and commenced with the preparation of a Business Plan and Strategy for its operationalisation in April 2005.

The Corporation was established at its own offices located in Centurion, Tshwane, early in September 2005. Some officials from the Division Land Transport Regulation of the Department of Transport, were seconded to the RTMC to assist in the setting-up phase and until such time as the personnel structure for the Corporation is finalised and approved.

Purpose of the RTMC

The RTMC will operate at arm’s length from the Department and will entrench an effective partnership between national, provincial and local spheres of government in the management of road traffic matters. Recognizing the importance of the regulation of public transport and road traffic to the development, safety and quality of life of all South Africans, the purpose for which the RTMC was established is:

  • To enhance the overall quality of road traffic management and service provision;
  • To strengthen the cooperation and coordination between the national, provincial and local spheres of government in the management of road traffic;
  • To maximize the effectiveness of provincial and local government efforts, particularly in road traffic law enforcement;
  • To create business opportunities, particularly for the previously disadvantaged sectors, to supplement public sector capacity;
  • To guide and sustain the expansion of private sector investment in road traffic management.
    The overriding aim of the Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC) is to overcome the current fragmentation of traffic management functions across provincial and local jurisdictions, and to bring a new professional coherence and improved morale into the entire system.

Functional areas of the RTMC

Although the RTMC Act provides for ten (10) functional areas, in the interim five (5) functional areas have been established in the RTMC, as agreed to by the Shareholders Committee. These 5 functional areas or units are:

  • Training of traffic personnel;
  • Road traffic information;
  • Accident investigations and recording thereof;
  • Communication and education; and
  • Infrastructure safety audits.

The additional 5 functional units that will be created at a later stage on a convenient date which will be decided on by the Shareholders Committee, will be the following:

  • Road traffic law enforcement;
  • Vehicle registration and licencing;
  • Vehicle and roadworthiness testing;
  • Testing and licencing of drivers; and
  • Administrative adjudication of road traffic offences (AARTO).

Organisational structure

The Shareholders Committee of the RTMC

The members of the Shareholders Committee are the following persons:

  • The Minister of Transport;
  • Every MEC who is responsible for matters connected with road traffic in each province; and
  • Two representatives nominated by the national organisation recognised in terms of section 2(a) of the Organised Local Government Act, 1997 (Act No. 52 of 1997).

Role of the Shareholders Committee

The Shareholders Committee is a forum through which the national, provincial and local spheres of government co-operate with each other and with other persons or bodies concerned with road traffic matters. The Committee is responsible for directing and guiding the proper functioning of the Corporation in the public interest and for reflecting, in its decision-making procedures, the spirit of co-operation and mutual trust contemplated in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa.

The Board of the RTMC

The Shareholders Committee will establish a Board for the Corporation consisting of the chief executive officer and a maximum of eight persons appointed by the Shareholders Committee. The appointed members of the board will be persons from the public and private sectors with proven expertise and competency in the field of corporate management, commerce, commercial banking, financing and road traffic affairs.

Caretaker of the RTMC

A Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the RTMC has not been appointed yet. In the interim, Mr. Thabo Tsholetsane was appointed by the Shareholders Committee as Caretaker to manage and oversee the establishment and operationalisation of the Corporation.

RTMC Physical address:

Boardwalk Office Park,
Phase 5,
Boardwalk Boulevard,
Faerie Glen,
Pretoria East,
Gauteng, South Africa

Postal Address

Private Bag X147 

Tel: (012) 999-5200 | Alternative Tel: (087) 310-8200 | Fax: (012) 991-0371
Email: | Website:

Also View:

Map to the RTMC

Background to the Road Traffic Management Corporation

AARTO / Demerit System

Rolling Enforcement Plan
