TYPE B: MULTI LANE BLOCK PEDESTRIAN CROSSING (Multi-lane road divided by a traffic island with two or more lanes in both directions).
COMPOSITION: 1 captain, 2 leaders and 6 members
Per team: |
Caps |
9 |
1 year |
Lapel Badges: |
Captain: |
1 |
1 year |
Leader: |
2 |
1 year |
Member: |
6 |
1 year |
Whistle: |
2 |
1 year |
Per Crossing |
Jackets: |
Captain |
1 |
3 years |
Leader |
2 |
3 years |
Member |
6 |
3 years |
Stop sign poles |
4 |
3 years |
Hooks |
8 |
3 years |
Stop sign boards |
4 |
3 years |
Pre-warning signs |
4 |
3 years |
The teams take up position as follows for this type of crossing:
Team 01: The captain and two members on the side from which the crossing is to be made (sidewalk) and one member and the leader on the island (facing on-coming pedestrians).
Team 02: Two members on the island, and one member and the second leader on the sidewalk, towards which the crossing is being made.
Where the island is wide enough to accommodate the pedestrians safely, they should cross the double road in two phases. (Phase 1 : from the sidewalk to the island, Phase 2 : from the island to the other sidewalk). The two leaders function independently from each other.
Where the island is narrow, the leader on the sidewalk controls the crossing. The pedestrians therefore cross the double road in one phase. Only one captain is on duty.
- Whistle 1: Stop sign boards are fanned out to stop the traffic, but pedestrians are not yet allowed to cross the road (the pedestrians should be prevented from crossing by a team member on the one side of the street and the leader on the opposite side of the street).
- Whistle 2: Once the leader has ensured that the traffic situation is safe, the order for pedestrians to cross can be given.
- Whistle 3: Member opposite leader lifts arm to stop pedestrian flow. When crossing is clear, the leader blocks crossing (now empty).
- Whistle 4: Close the crossing by swinging the stop sign boards back into position.