Cycle4Life! Learner in Traffic Project

Cycle4Life! Learner in Traffic Project

Education is a high priority on the Governments list, according to budget expenditure in South Africa.

If we compare road deaths in South Africa with other countries the difference is more or less the following: 2 - 4 persons die per 100 000 population group in Europe and America and around 25 persons die per 100 000 population group in South Africa per year.  Much needs to be done.

Education in Road Safety is accepted by everyone as a high priority to reduce the carnage amongst all age group road users.

The CYCLE 4LIFE! Final competition with 112 out of 120 000 learners from 363 schools took place in the Northern Gauteng Province (Tshwane and Metsweding), participated at Metro Hall on 24 September 2010.

Department of Community Safety, Road Safety Promotion worked together with many role-players to contribute towards the new generation knowledge of Road Safety to be better road users and placed a special focus on Cycling safety!!

We would like to share a video with more information about the Cycle 4 Life Campaign!!

Also View:



Sponsorship letter - Learner In Traffic invite Business plan 2011
