Safely Sharing the Roads With Trucks - Avoiding Blind Spots And No-Go Zones

Safely Sharing the Roads With Trucks - Avoiding Blind Spots And No-Go Zones

Front no-go zone

Cutting in front of a truck can be a fatal mistake. At 80km/h, it takes the length of about a rugby field (100 metres) for a truck to come to a complete stop.

Safety tips:

Allow at least one car length for every 16km/h you are travelling before merging in front of a truck.

When passing a truck, never cut in front of it and then slow down.

Side no-go zone

Trucks have extremely large blind spots on both sides. Even with large side-view mirrors, truck drivers can't see everything around them. Driving in these areas can be dangerous.

Safety tips:

Stay out of a truck's blind spot.

If you have to pass, give yourself plenty of space and extra time.

Avoid driving alongside a truck for long periods of time.

Rear no-go zone

Truck drivers often don't have a rear-view mirror to look through, so they have to rely heavily on their side-view mirrors. If you're behind a truck and can't see the driver's face in his or her mirror, then they can't see you.

Safety tips:

Don't draft or tailgate.

Give yourself the following distance of three seconds.

Wide turns

Trucks make wider turns than cars. So be aware that a truck may need to swing wide, either to the left or right to avoid sidewalks, signs and utility poles. Drivers who stay aware and give trucks room will be safe.

Safety tips:

Give trucks plenty of room to turn safely.

Infographics from Barloworld Transport

Also view

Safely Sharing the Roads With Trucks - Trucks Make Wide Turns

Safely Sharing the Roads With Trucks - Avoid Cutting in Front of a Trucks

Safely Sharing the Roads With Trucks - Trucks Can't Stop Like Cars
