Rear-view mirror
When passing, if you can see the entire front of the truck in your rear-view mirror, it's safe to merge back into the lane.
Passing trucks
When passing a truck, allow one car length for every 16km/h per hour. For example, if you're travelling 60km/h leave four car lengths between you and the front of the truck before merging back over.
Maintain your speed
Once you pass a truck and return to the right lane, do not slow down. Maintain your speed and make sure there is a safe space between the truck and your car. Trucks take longer to regain their speed after being slowed down and may slow the traffic behind them.
Infographics from Barloworld Transport
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Safely Sharing the Roads With Trucks - Trucks Make Wide Turns
Safely Sharing the Roads With Trucks - Avoiding Blind Spots And No-Go Zones
Safely Sharing the Roads With Trucks - Trucks Can't Stop Like Cars