National Household Travel Survey

National Household Travel Survey

Even though Administrative systems provide a wide variety of travel data, but most transport strategies and policies have to be based on an understanding of the travel patterns of households and individuals. The National Department of Transport (DOT) conducted the first National Household Travel Survey (NHTS) in 2003 in collaboration with Statistics South Africa.
The need for a second travel survey has increasingly been articulated and has formed the basis for discussions between Statistics South Africa and DOT about the survey.
The main aim of the National Household Travel Survey 2013 is to gain an insight into the travel patterns and transport problems of the people of South Africa by collecting information for the following purposes:
  • To serve as the basis for DoT research, planning and policy formulation;
  • To assist transport authorities to effectively target subsidies, and
  • To serve as a data source for the definition and measurement of Key Performance Indicators for land passenger transport.
  • The second transport survey was executed during the period February to March 2013 by a team of contract workers and the statistical release will take place in Hatfield, Pretoria.
Since March 2014, Statistics South Africa has been doing several revisions on the NHTS data. The most important of these include:
  • Doing additional structural edits which made it necessary to re-weight the data;
  • Developing imputation programs for missing earnings data to increase completeness of household income data, and
  • Revising destination TAZ codes for education, work and business trips and modal edit rules.
  • On July 17 the revised report and the data sets will be officially handed over to the Minister Peters by the Statistician General Mr Pali Lehohla.

Click for the full reports

The First South African National Household Travel Survey 2003 

National Househoold Travel Survey 2013


