Part 8 Estimated Cost of Fatal Crashes 2001 Number of Fatalities Cost of Fatalities ( Rand mil ) Age per Age Group per Area per Age Group per Area Group Urban Rural Total Urban Rural Total 0-1 8 20 28 4.04 9.49 13.52 1-4 33 78 111 16.73 39.62 56.35 5-9 89 143 232 49.05 79.75 128.80 10-14 77 154 232 45.76 91.36 137.12 15-19 148 349 498 93.11 219.95 313.06 20-24 439 1,184 1,623 291.25 787.40 1078.65 25-29 577 1,631 2,209 396.13 1122.54 1518.66 30-34 409 1,217 1,626 280.20 836.34 1116.54 35-39 296 863 1,159 197.23 577.71 774.95 40-44 241 704 945 152.68 447.67 600.35 45-49 203 565 768 119.57 333.20 452.77 50-54 171 457 628 92.10 247.82 339.92 55-59 149 384 533 71.76 185.15 256.91 60-64 95 268 363 40.59 115.25 155.84 65-69 41 122 164 15.97 47.34 63.30 70-74 13 34 47 4.67 11.96 16.63 75-79 9 14 23 2.80 4.51 7.30 80 and older 4 10 14 1.07 2.71 3.77 Total 3,003 8,198 11,201 1874.70 5159.75 7034.46 2001 Crashes per Area Repair & Incident Cost Crash Type RSA Rand (million) per Area Urban Rural Total Urban Rural Total Pedestrian 1,137 2,122 3,259 22.77 34.46 57.22 Hit and run 202 426 628 4.05 6.91 10.96 Head on 137 637 774 3.83 19.60 23.43 Sideswipe opposite direction 71 221 292 1.71 5.75 7.46 Sideswipe same direction 43 147 190 0.97 3.60 4.57 Overturned 240 1,690 1,930 10.69 70.06 80.75 Collision - fixed object 149 270 418 5.86 10.01 15.87 Head-Rear end 125 400 525 2.84 9.78 12.62 Approach at angle 43 70 113 1.01 1.72 2.73 Turn from wrong lane 10 28 38 0.37 0.62 1.00 Turn in front of oncoming traffic 65 141 206 1.59 3.76 5.35 Reversing 19 38 57 0.47 0.85 1.32 Animal, Other & Unknown 72 299 371 1.94 7.41 9.36 Total 2,314 6,488 8,802 58.11 174.55 232.66 2001 Total Cost of Fatal Crashes Urban Rural Total Human Casualty Cost 1874.70 5159.75 7034.46 Vehicle Repair & Incident Management Cost 58.11 174.55 232.66 Total (Rand million) 1932.82 5334.30 7267.12 2002 Number of Fatalities Cost of Fatalities ( Rand mil ) Age per Age Group per Area per Age Group per Area Group Urban Rural Total Urban Rural Total 0-1 9 21 31 4.39 10.33 14.73 1-4 36 85 121 18.22 43.14 61.36 5-9 96 156 253 53.42 86.85 140.26 10-14 84 168 252 49.83 99.49 149.32 15-19 162 380 542 101.40 239.53 340.92 20-24 478 1,289 1,767 317.17 857.47 1174.64 25-29 629 1,777 2,405 431.38 1222.43 1653.81 30-34 445 1,326 1,771 305.14 910.77 1215.90 35-39 322 940 1,262 214.78 629.12 843.91 40-44 262 767 1,029 166.27 487.51 653.78 45-49 221 615 837 130.21 362.86 493.07 50-54 186 498 684 100.30 269.87 370.17 55-59 163 418 580 78.14 201.62 279.77 60-64 103 292 395 44.20 125.51 169.71 65-69 45 133 178 17.39 51.55 68.94 70-74 14 37 51 5.09 13.02 18.11 75-79 9 15 25 3.04 4.91 7.95 80 and older 4 11 15 1.16 2.95 4.11 Total 3,270 8,928 12,198 2041.53 5618.92 7660.45 2002 Crashes per Area Repair & Incident Cost Crash Type RSA Rand (million) per Area Urban Rural Total Urban Rural Total Pedestrian 1,373 2,561 3,934 27.48 41.59 69.07 Hit and run 322 677 999 6.45 11.00 17.45 Head on 140 648 788 3.90 19.94 23.84 Sideswipe opposite direction 41 128 170 1.00 3.34 4.34 Sideswipe same direction 43 145 188 0.96 3.57 4.54 Overturned 248 1,748 1,996 11.05 72.45 83.50 Collision - fixed object 154 279 433 6.07 10.37 16.44 Head-Rear end 178 567 745 4.02 13.87 17.89 Approach at angle 22 36 58 0.52 0.89 1.41 Turn from wrong lane 6 18 24 0.23 0.39 0.62 Turn in front of oncoming traffic 93 200 293 2.26 5.36 7.62 Reversing 16 32 49 0.40 0.73 1.12 Animal, Other & Unknown 57 238 296 1.55 5.92 7.47 Total 2,694 7,279 9,973 65.90 189.41 255.31 2002 Total Cost of Fatal Crashes Urban Rural Total Human Casualty Cost 2041.53 5618.92 7660.45 Vehicle Repair & Incident Management Cost 65.90 189.41 255.31 Total (Rand million) 2107.44 5808.33 7915.76 2003 Number of Fatalities Cost of Fatalities ( Rand mil ) Age per Age Group per Area per Age Group per Area Group Urban Rural Total Urban Rural Total 0-1 9 22 31 4.45 10.46 14.91 1-4 36 86 122 18.45 43.69 62.14 5-9 98 158 256 54.09 87.95 142.04 10-14 85 170 255 50.46 100.75 151.21 15-19 164 385 549 102.68 242.56 345.24 20-24 484 1,306 1,790 321.19 868.33 1189.52 25-29 637 1,799 2,436 436.84 1237.91 1674.75 30-34 451 1,343 1,794 309.00 922.30 1231.31 35-39 326 952 1,278 217.51 637.09 854.60 40-44 266 777 1,042 168.37 493.69 662.06 45-49 224 623 847 131.86 367.45 499.31 50-54 188 504 693 101.57 273.29 374.86 55-59 165 423 588 79.13 204.18 283.31 60-64 105 296 400 44.76 127.10 171.86 65-69 46 135 180 17.61 52.20 69.81 70-74 15 37 52 5.15 13.19 18.34 75-79 10 15 25 3.08 4.97 8.05 80 and older 4 11 15 1.18 2.99 4.16 Total 3,312 9,041 12,353 2067.39 5690.09 7757.48 2003 Crashes per Area Repair & Incident Cost Crash Type RSA Rand (million) per Area Urban Rural Total Urban Rural Total Pedestrian 1,426 2,660 4,086 28.54 43.19 71.73 Hit and run 312 656 968 6.24 10.65 16.90 Head on 147 685 832 4.12 21.06 25.18 Sideswipe opposite direction 36 112 148 0.87 2.92 3.79 Sideswipe same direction 33 113 147 0.75 2.78 3.53 Overturned 272 1,914 2,185 12.10 79.32 91.43 Collision - fixed object 136 246 382 5.36 9.15 14.50 Head-Rear end 181 579 760 4.11 14.16 18.27 Approach at angle 27 44 71 0.63 1.08 1.71 Turn from wrong lane 3 9 12 0.12 0.20 0.32 Turn in front of oncoming traffic 92 198 290 2.24 5.31 7.55 Reversing 18 35 52 0.43 0.78 1.21 Animal, Other & Unknown 51 212 263 1.38 5.26 6.64 Total 2,734 7,463 10,197 66.89 195.87 262.76 2003 Total Cost of Fatal Crashes Urban Rural Total Human Casualty Cost 2067.39 5690.09 7757.48 Vehicle Repair & Incident Management Cost 66.89 195.87 262.76 Total (Rand million) 2134.28 5885.95 8020.24