Herewith some extra info on the Arrive Alive initiative and how the Partnering works:
The website and our road safety blogs are not funded by the Department of Transport but made possible through partnerships with the private sector. The website received a letter of recognition/endorsement from the Department of Transport and we are pleased to say that the Minister has also recognized these efforts in his address during the recent Decade of Road Safety Launch.
Why do companies partner?
In the return for the assistance from "small" and "large" partners, we provide exposure via many different platforms. These contributions are discussed with the partners with consideration to their specific needs for exposure on the various platforms. This enables us to fund the development of content, programming and design, hosting etc.
The Platforms available to give exposure to the partner include:
The Arrive Alive website
The Road Safety Blogs:
Exposure includes the ability not only to have branding visible from every page on the website but also to brand-specific sections of content, to share media releases etc.
Also insurance-related Blogs:
The exposure given is also distributed through mediums such as Facebook and Twitter.
We strongly believe in the power of social media to create awareness and to interact. We are pleased to confirm that the Followers on twitter on the Arrive Alive handle @_ArriveAlive is now at more than 175,000 followers
You will find that we feature very prominently on search engines for road safety-related searches.