Advanced Driving Instructors and Safety Advice for the Road

Our top rally drivers are not only the best drivers on the race track, but also the most cautious in traffic. They are very much aware of the risks to safe driving and many of them are sharing their expertise at safe driving academies across South Africa where they share their expertise with the lesser experienced drivers.

It is important that we share this advice with our readers on the Arrive Alive website as well! ToyotaCare has made available videos with advice from these experts on a variety of topics needed for safer driving.


ToyotaCare Road Safety - Tyres




ToyotaCare Road Safety - Getting Ready for the Road




ToyotaCare Road Safety - Driving




ToyotaCare Road Safety - Accessories



Contact details for Toyota Advanced Driving

Salve' Jacobs
Toyota Advanced Driving
Tel: (011) 467 4040
Fax: (011) 467 4042

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