Click to download the 2009 Review

Arrive and online Road Safety initiatives in 2009
“Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance”
Introduction / Background to the Arrive Alive Website
The Arrive Alive website was launched on the 13th of March 2003 with the objective to provide the best possible information portal for Road Safety in South Africa. As new technology has become available, so have our efforts increased to use these technological advances in the efforts to create awareness of road safety and facilitate greater interaction between the public and road safety experts, groups and authorities.
The Arrive Alive Website and related Road Safety Initiatives Overview 2009 will provide a detailed overview of:
the progress made in 2009
initiatives undertaken to improve road safety awareness
medium used to share information
target audience and wider audience reached
public interaction facilitated
making this possible
how to get involved
Online Traffic and Online Platforms
Overview of Arrive Alive Website 31 December 2009
Herewith find an overview of the website and road safety exposure provided:
Google Analytics [1 January 2009 – 31 December 2009]
214,309 Visits
453,165 Page views
Visits came from 196 countries/territories
Referring sites sent 28,136 visits via 1,199 sources
Search engines sent 160,013 total visits via 19 sources
Search engines sent 160,013 total visits via 83,340 keywords
Overview / Info about the Road Safety Blog at
- Launched 4 May 2009
Google Analytics [4 May 2009 -31 December 2009]
78,326 Visits
128,987 Page views
Visits came from 185 countries/territories
Referring sites sent 15,949 visits via 709 sources
Search engines sent 52,402 total visits via 18 sources
Search engines sent 52,402 total visits via 30,005 keywords
818 Blog Posts
297 Comments Approved
Overview / Info about the Road Safety & Arrive Alive Blog at
- Launched 28 February 2007
- Blog visits/ views for 2009: 109,264
Data on 31 December since start:
-1,041Blog Posts
- 749 Comments Approved
Overview / Facebook Group:
An Group has been created on Facebook to stimulate further discussion and interaction.
At 31 December 2009 this Group features:
- 1371members
- 86 Wall Posts
- 18 Discussion topics
- 431 Photos
- 603 links
- 28 Videos
Mobile websites / Mixit / Mobi Applications
Google Analytics [From 3 June 2009 – 31 December 2009]
- 1949 Visits
- 52 Sources
- From 257 Keywords
- Visits from 40 countries
Short snippets for Mxit
Content provided to Spokenink for inclusion on Mxit
Content provided to Clubbersguide for inclusion on Mxit
K53 Mobile Application
- The Arrive Alive website partnered with the developers of a K53 Mobile Application to create awareness and enable learner drivers to test their knowledge from their cellular phones.
Exposure and Road Safety Awareness Efforts in other Media
It is important that we reach a far wider audience than those with access to the internet. The Arrive Alive online road safety initiatives are also aimed at journalists, reporters, researchers and teachers who are able to gather the road safety information and distribute to a wider audience.
We would like to focus on some of these other media that distributed the road safety information from the Arrive Alive website and recognized this:
Traffic Focus April/May 2009
Traffic Focus
Fit Pregnancy
Huisgenoot “Reis Veilig – Supplement for Children”
You Get there Safely – Supplement for Children
Sandton Magazine
Longevity Magazine
Die Burger
Mpumalanga Beeld etc
Content has been included and recognized in the following books:
- What your Driver Instructor didn’t tell you – Book by Justus Visagie
- Counselling for Different Phases of Life – Chapter 11 of this Book published by the Icfai University Press, Hyderabad, India is the “Trauma Counselling and Road Safety” section on the Arrive Alive website
Company Newsletter /Circulars
The Arrive Alive website has been approached by many corporates with a request for information to be used in their own internal road safety campaigns. This has been included on the intranet of companies and in company newsletters. These companies and forums include:
LX Info Magazine on Level Crossings
Afriforum Newsletter
4 A Kid Newsletter
Alzheimer's South Africa national office Helpline
Schering –Plough
African Bank
Radio Interview
The Arrive Alive website has been approached by several radio stations for interviews and road safety updates, especially during Easter and the December festive season. We have referred many of these to spokespersons at the Department of Transport and the RTMC, and have taken part in interviews on the following radio stations:
RSG –Praat Saam
RSG –Met Raad en Daad
RSG –Mention on Loslip
Solidariteit Radio
Radio Namakwaland
Online via Large Websites
An important benefit of an online information portal is the ability to share the website via other websites and blogs. The information from the Arrive Alive website or links to the website has been included on many prominent websites including:
New York Times
Answerit from
How can we help you?
Podcast on Shine 2010
International Road Safety Group on Linkedin
Sa Rugby Fanzone
SABC Confederation Cup Section
South African Government Information
We have also contributed as guest writer to a GPS Blog, a Car Insurance Blog and other Blogs about toad safety.
Assistance and information were provided to the producers of television programs about road safety:
Keeping it Real on SABC2
Request for info from Carte Blance
SABC –Info on Wall of Remembrance
Intermediary and Consulting Services
During 2009 we assisted as intermediary and facilitator to several road safety projects by providing information, media exposure and granting permission for website contents to be included in educational materials. These services include:
- Facilitating the acquisition of GPS Devices for Innibos Buddy Project
- Intervarsity Arrive Alive project managed by Dept of Social Services, North West University
- Moolmans Mining Safety Campaign
- Driver Wellness Project Harrismith
- Department of Health Educational TV Series on drinking culture in Western Cape
- Study & Master Physical Sciences 11 Learner's Book for Grade 11 2nd edition
- Study Guide : Life Orientation
- Canadian Book “In Memory of ...a book to remember”
- Educational Publication in Germany
- Book on “Awesome SA”
- Holy Rosary School for Girls Newspaper
- Info for Parent24
- Website of the German Road Safety Coucil
Public Interaction via the Arrive Alive Website
To be not only an effective information portal, but also a mechanism for greater public involvement, we have developed sections to enhance greater public interaction. An often overlooked, yet very important objective is to assist the public in gaining clarity on road safety matters and provide responses to queries raised via the Arrive Alive website.
Herewith find a detailed summary of how public interaction was facilitated during 2009:
“Contact Us” on
- Thousands of e-mails have been received via the “Contact Us” section - these have been responded to and forwarded to the Department of Transport, Road Traffic Management Corporation and various road safety experts for further comment.
These emails are kept in various email folders for later reference.
Emails received and Responded to Arrive website:
Arrive Alive email 2009 Folder: 1949
Arrive Alive 2009 Folder: 2088
Arrive Alive Media Folder: 66
Blog Comments on the Road Safety & Arrive Alive Blog
- Visitors to the Road Safety & Arrive Alive Blog are able to comment on blog posts and also request clarification or answers to specific questions.
- These questions have been answered on the Blog and where appropriate a Blog post has been added to provide additional details to these responses and enable other visitors to benefit from these responses.
Ask the Experts Section
- A section was created called “Ask the Experts” to provide specialised knowledge to members of the public on technical questions.
- Questions are referred to experts in the fields of licensing, testing, enforcement, road freight, legislation, safe driving etc and the answers are added to the website
Question received - Answers provided at 31 December 2009: 444
Experts assisting with Road Safety related questions
The Development Team of the Arrive Alive website recognizes that there are others with more experience and expertise in specific fields of road safety education, legislation, enforcement etc.
We have approached these individuals to join in providing answers to the public on the “Ask the Experts Section”. We appreciate and would like to recognize the assistance rendered in 2009 by the following road safety experts:
Kevin Kara-Vala 9 years experience in the road traffic environment, specifically relating to traffic administration and licensing, road traffic legislation and traffic information systems (NaTIS and eNaTIS).
Gavin Kelly 20 Years experience in Transport safety, Road Legislation & Regulatory Environment
Rajen Chinaboo Chief Provincial Inspector Road Traffic Inspectorate Head Office -KZN PLANNING AND ADVICE
Colin Govender 15 Years committed to road safety / transport.
Michael De Broglio Michael is a former Chairperson of the Johannesburg Attorneys Association and the of the Gauteng Law Council.
Gavin Hoole 24 years' experience in creating self-study manuals, including several books/CDs for students preparing for the Learner's Licence and Driver's Licence tests.
Rob Handfield - Jones Managing Director of a driving skills training company
Petro Kruger 13 years experience in road safety and motoring matters
Stan Bezuidenhout 30 years experience in collision investigation, analysis, reconstruction and law enforcement. (With experience at more than 7,500 collisions)
Alta Swanepoel Alta has been involved in the drafting of road traffic legislation since 1989.
Caro Smit 3 years involved in road safety with SADD – 15 years involved with teaching about Drinking and driving to scholars and adults
Ally Cohen Two years with 4 A Kid, specialising in child safety products and helping to create awareness about child safety in South Africa.
- The Arrive Alive website has also partnered with the service Answerit to answer additional road safety related questions
Interactive Sections on the Arrive Alive Website
Celebrity Wall
We believe that road safety awareness should however not only depend on the memories of the fallen road accident victims – but can also be promoted by positive messages from celebrities who wish to encourage their fans to stay safe on the roads!
Celebrities are followed closely and their fans often attempt to emulate their actions! They face many unique safety challenges and are well aware of the dangers of peer pressure and risks on our roads. We believe that road safety message from our celebrities will have much more impact than those only received from road safety authorities and traffic officials.
- Celebrities offering Road Safety Advice
Sibusiso Ndebele |
Minister of Transport |
Bantu Holomisa |
Political Leader |
John Smit |
Springbok Rugby Captain |
Gareth Cliff |
5FM DJ TV Presenter |
Denholm Harding |
Base Player Just Jinger |
Jen Su |
5FM DJ TV News Anchor |
Ryk Neethling |
Olympic Swimmer |
Lee-Ann Liebenberg |
Model |
Gary Formato |
Formula 1 Presenter |
Sekoati Sk Tsubane |
7de Laan Actor |
Prime Circle |
Well-Known Band |
Ryan Botha |
Football Player |
Shaun Haschick |
Football Player |
Birgitte Willers |
Model |
Farah Fortune |
Business Woman |
Shashi Naidoo |
Actress / TV Presenter / Model |
Jeannie D |
Radio DJ/ Actress/ TV Presenter |
During 2010 we will approach many other celebrities in the world of sport, music, television and entertainment to share their thought on road safety and inspire our road users to safe behaviour on the roads!
Wall of Remembrance
The Wall of Remembrance on the website has been developed to support and give recognition to the Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims and compliment the efforts by Government and NGO’s to enhance awareness of road safety!
28 entries by families of road accident victims at 31 December 2009
Reports made via the Arrive Alive website to the National Traffic Call Centre at the RTMC
2961 Reports of Bad Driving
144 Road Condition Reports
Pages of content developed and added to the Arrive Website in 2009
News stories shared on the Arrive Alive Website during 2009
606 From Arrive
594 Road Safety in the Media
322 Road Safety Highlights
173 Dept. of Transport
How did we do this?
We should not only provide information on the successes achieved, but also reflect on the challenges during 2009 and recognize those who have assisted in making road safety awareness possible.
Things you might not know:
- The development team consists of 1 full time and 2 “part time” members.
- The Website received a Letter of Endorsement from The Department of Transport in 2007
- The Arrive Alive website and online initiatives are not funded by the Department of Transport or the Road Traffic Management Corporation
- NO Funding was received in 2009 from the Department of Transport or the RTMC
- There is no marketing budget for these online road safety initiatives.
To create road safety awareness via the Arrive Alive website and other media we approached companies to partner in these efforts. From our side we provide exposure and recognition to these partners and their road safety involvement on the website and blogs.
Recognition to Road Safety Partners / Arrive Alive Website Sponsors
We would like to recognize the Assistance of these Road Safety Partners during 2009:
Netcare 911
Trac N4
Clear Vision Optometrists
Precision Safety Appliances
Mikros Systems
Smartcall Insurance
We would also like to recognize individuals and groups that made important contributions:
How can I get involved?
We will continue to commit ourselves to these road safety efforts. There is so much more we can achieve with the participation of both corporate South Africa and individuals. We recognize that there are much expertise and knowledge to be gathered in strengthening these efforts.
We would like to invite others to become part of the road safety initiatives. This could include:
- Becoming an Arrive Alive Website partner
We will discuss with such partner how such partnering contribution can be used to develop new sections of content. The partner will be provided with exposure of such a partnership by way of:
Exposure to logos
Sections of Content
Horizontal and other banners/ graphics
Blog Posts and media exposure on the road safety initiatives and corporate social corporate responsibility initiatives of the Partner
- Advisor and Consulting Services
Every person can contribute to road safety irrespective of age, gender or financial status. We would like to invite the public to contribute by sending advice and recommendations on how to achieve greater road safety in South Africa. We welcome any suggestions on new content or additional means of creating awareness that should be pursued.
We would like to invite visitors to contact us with suggestions at
Contact details:
Adv Johan Jonck
Contact Number: 0823700991
Click to download the 2009 Review