Fatal Crashes


1. Executive Summary 

2. Number of Registered Vehicles 

3. Mobility of Human Population 

4. Estimated Fuel Sales for Road Use 

5. Estimated Distance Travelled 

6. Number of Un-Roadworthy and Un-Licenced Vehicles 

7. Number of Driving Licences and Professional Driving Permits 

8. Number of Fatal Crashes 

9. Percentage of Fatal Crashes per Type of Crash 

10. Estimated Number of Fatalities 

11. Number of Vehicles involved in Fatal Crashes 

12. Crash and Fatality Rates 

13. Estimated Cost of Fatal Crashes 

14. Discussion 

15. Recommendations 

Annexure A : Definitions of Terms and Explanatory Notes 
Annexure B : Monthly Number of Fatal Crashes : 2004-2005-2006
Annexure C : Monthly Number of Fatalities : 2004-2005-2006
Annexure D : Provincial Road Traffic and Fatal Crash Indicators

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