Imperial I-Pledge and Scholar Patrol Initiative

Who remembers the scholar patrol? Well Imperial is bringing it back in a big way with their Imperial I-Pledge scholar patrol project. It’s all in aid of keeping children safe.

On the Arrive Alive website we have discussed scholar patrol in detail on the page titled “Scholar Patrol and Road Safety

Why is scholar patrol so important?

  • Each year, children travel to and from school almost 200 times.
  • Dangerous traffic congestion occurs around schools with so many parents dropping their children off in the morning and picking them up after school.
  • Traffic Authorities, school teachers and principals recognize that this congestion creates the most dangerous location on a child’s journey to and from school.
  • Scholar Patrol performs a very important and responsible public service by controlling traffic and by safeguarding scholar pedestrians Student patrollers guide fellow students and prevent them from entering traffic when it is unsafe.

They were also to set a good example and encourage all students to observe the rules of safety. They had to report for duty on time with the proper equipment and attire on. They had to report all infractions of the rules to their superiors. They had to provide assistance to other Patrol members when necessary. Know and enforce all safety walking and crossing rules. Lastly, they had to attend regular meetings that would discuss problem areas of traffic and street crossings.

Imperial I-Pledge Campaign Scholar Patrol Initiative

IMPERIAL has started an intervention to reinstate scholar patrols and train our learners and teachers about basic road safety, in primary schools across the country.

Since October 2012, the IMPERIAL I-Pledge Scholar Patrol Project, sanctioned by the Department of Basic Education, has committed to visiting 20 schools for every month of the year - that’s a commitment of 240 schools per year!


Nominate your school for Scholar Patrol!

Starting in Gauteng, so far 100 schools have been visited, and counting. You can make a difference by nominating a school of your choice to receive scholar patrol training, road safety education, new kits and to get your zebra crossing painted.

Make a difference today! Head over to to nominate a school. Listen to the Sound Clip

Visit to find out more about this fantastic initiative.

Also view:

Scholar Patrol and Road Safety

I-Pledge Scholar Patrol Roll Out Report

Imperial I-Pledge Scholar Patrol Rollout 100 Schools