Scholar Patrol

TYPE H: MULTI LANE CROSSING (No island or space between lanes)

COMPOSITION:  1 captain, 1 leader and 3 members







Per team:
Caps 5 1 year
Lapel Badges:    
Captain 1 1 year
Leader 1 year
Member 1 year
Whistle 1 year
Per Crossing
Captain 1 3 years
Leader 1 3 years
Member 3 3 years
Stop sign poles 2 3 years
Hooks 4 3 years
Stop Sign Boards 2 3 years
Pre-warning signs 2 3 years















The team members position themselves as follows at this type of crossing :  the captain and two members at the side from which the crossing is done, and the other member, together with the leader, at the opposite side of the street.


Once the leader has made sure that there is a big enough gap in the flow of traffic, the members respond as follows to the whistle :

  • Whistle 1: Stop sign boards are fanned out to stop the traffic, but pedestrians are not yet allowed to cross the road (the pedestrians should be prevented from crossing by a team member on the one side of the street and the leader on the opposite side of the street).
  • Whistle 2: Once the leader has ensured that the traffic situation is safe, the order for pedestrians to cross can be given.
  • Whistle 3:  Member opposite leader lifts arm to stop pedestrian flow.  When crossing is clear, leader blocks crossing (now empty).
  • Whistle 4: Close the crossing by swinging the stop sign boards back into position.