The development of is dedicated to the memory of people who have passed away on the roads of South Africa.
Having lost a mother in a car accident at the age of 3 and a good friend in 1999, I have decided that the time to be spent and efforts made in the development of this site to enhance road safety can not measure up to the value of even one life saved on the roads.
I would like to extend a word of appreciation to friends, colleagues and sometimes complete strangers who have decided to contribute through the sharing of knowledge, recommendations, marketing material and ideas etc. Special recognition should also be given to all those information providers who have allowed me to "link" to their websites and who have provided valuable content!
Have a pleasant time browsing! Please tell your friends to visit and send me your recommendations on content, design, functionality or any advice you believe might enhance the site and road safety! Someone once said that " there is no limitation to your success if you do not mind who received the credit.." With the web site we will give credit to those who provide content on road safety, those who share their recommendations and those companies who provide sponsorship and share the vision to create an effective road safety information portal!
Take care - and ARRIVE ALIVE!!
Johan Jonck

Remembering a parent
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