Vehicle maintenance and safety guide to roadworthiness of vehicles

Vehicle roadworthiness is one of the important requirements for the safety of all our road users. On the Arrive Alive website, we refer to contributing factors to vehicle crashes concerning three categories - driver fitness, vehicle fitness and environmental factors.

With the assistance of our road safety partner Goldwagen, we have included a section on vehicle maintenance repair and road safety. This provides some important aspects of the most important of the vehicle to attend to.

Do It Yourself Guides on Vehicle Maintenance

But how do we do it and can we do some of the steps to maintenance ourselves?

Effective and proper maintenance will provide many benefits to the vehicle owner, including:

  • Saving fuel and money - mechanical systems of the vehicle will affect fuel efficiency
  • Reducing long-term maintenance costs
  • Minimize harmful exhaust emissions and protect the environment
  • Increase the reliability of your vehicle and limit the risk of vehicle breakdown
  • Increase the resale value of your vehicle

We decided to approach Goldwagen with a request for assistance in providing Tips and Advice on Vehicle Maintenance. We would like to quote from Goldwagen:

Goldwagen is dedicated to helping you. For more hints and tips, collect the full range of Goldwagen Hints and Tips range from your nearest Goldwagen store! You can also call the Goldwagen Technical Team on 0800 200 993 for technical automotive advice on any Goldwagen products.

All products MUST be fitted by a qualified automotive technician at an accredited workshop. If not, and defect to the part arises from incorrect installation, then the company will not accept liability.

Browse through the categories, and view our excellent hints and tips, and grow your auto-mechanic knowledge.

To download our DIY Tips in PDF format, please see below.

Also View:

Goldwagen Website

Vehicle Safety Checklist for Roadworthiness and Safe Driving

Vehicle maintenance and repair

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Vehicle Safety Checklist for Roadworthiness and Safe Driving